Located at the Northern End of Richardson Bay in Sausalito, California


Waldo Harbor is a privately owned 282 berth floating home marina located at the northern end of Richardson Bay in Sausalito California.The floating homes at WPH are all privately owned, each has a lease with the harbor for their berth. All of the berths at WPH are 100% occupied and have been so since the 1970's.
Floating home sales and leasing are handled by each private homeowner. The harbor office does not maintain a list of homes that are for sale or for lease. Floating homes are normally sold thru traditional real-estate firms. See links for more sales and rental information.


A Brief History of the Sausalito Floating home Community

The houseboat community started its evolution in the late 1940's after the end of WWII. A large portion of the Sausalito waterfront was transformed during the war into a Liberty Ship construction site by the War Department and private Industry. Shortly after the war the area was sold off to private owners primarily for the purpose of salvaging the vast array of equipment and materials left over from the ship building companies.

Devoid of any long term plan the area languished into the 1950's and it was during this time that a hearty group of "Beat " generation folks started to occupy the abandon barges and construction buildings left behind at the end of the war. The community grew in numbers through the 50's as early 60's and it was during this period that the entire area became well known as artist, writer, Intellectual stronghold. During the late 60's and into the 70's the community leapt in population with the influx of hippies that migrated to the Bay area from across the country.

The 1970's brought on the inevitable clash between a fast-growing alternate community and new governmental regulatory agencies that were in part created by the environmentally concerned residents of the houseboat community. Throughout the 70's and 80's the area painfully went thru a complete rebuilding era that brought standard building code upgrades to the homes and marinas. These changes have slowly transformed the makeup and flavor of the community into the eclectic and diverse population you find today on the Sausalito waterfront.


By Becky Smith March 10, 2021
Emptying the Holding Tank One major inconvenience during a power outage is the inability to flush our toilets, since our holding tanks must be emptied by electric pumps or they will overflow. The late Plumber Michael Peterson recommended that when the power goes out, homeowners should go onto the dock and turn off their water, so we can’t possibly make the mistake of flushing or running any other water until the juice goes back on. As Michael put it, “the inconvenience of turning off your water is far less than the hassle of cleaning up after an overflow.” However, there is another possibility. When we have some warning that an outage may occur (as we did with several mini-outages before the big January blackout), you can empty your tank in advance. Most holding tanks hold 30+ gallons of waste water, and the average flush of a low-flow toilet is less than 2 gallons. So an empty tank could accommodate a dozen flushes – or more if you’re feeling brave. Learn the size of your holding tank. Here’s how to do it. Some newer pumps have a remote switch which allows you to turn it on manually. Otherwise, find the power cord for your holding tank’s pump. Notice that there are two cords, attached to a tandem plug (see accompanying photos on back). The “B” plug goes into the socket and powers the pump, while the “A” plug powers an internal on-off device. Remove the “B” plug, separate them, and insert the “A” plug directly into the socket. That will activate the on-off device. Let the pump run a few seconds until you hear a “whoosh” when it’s completely empty. Then reverse the procedure and insert the “A” plug into the “female” portion of the first one (B). Then plug “B” back in the socket. It might be a good idea to practice this procedure so you can do it smoothly in a blackout. Check out “Floating Homes Association Presents Houseboat Waste Systems, 2020” from The Floating Times on Vimeo. The video is available for your viewing pleasure at https://vimeo.com/398112725
By Becky Smith March 10, 2021
March 8, 2021 Dear Waldo Point Harbor residents, Our trash hauling fees are increasing astronomically. We need your help to keep rates low so we don’t have to pass the costs along to you, our valued tenants. We are noticing increased instances of residents dumping large household items, appliances, rootbound plants and construction debris at the dock entries or in the trash dumpsters. If you have a large item for disposal that is not regular household waste, please contact the Harbormaster for assistance, and he will assign a reasonable rate to dispose of the item. Residents found illicitly dumping will incur additional fees; approximately double the charge. Please work with us to remove the item properly and responsibly. WPH rates are as follows: Mattress/box spring $40.00 – $60.00 each Couch/recliner $50.00 each Chairs/desk/drawers $30.00 each All appliances $40.00 each Carpet $50.00 per cubic yard Toilets/sinks $25.00 each Large plants $25.00 each No Construction Debris allowed! If you or your contractors are working on your houseboat, remember that the community bins are not an option for construction debris. This must all be disposed of off-site. Remind your contractors and workers that this is not acceptable. All construction debris must be disposed offsite. Please flatten and break down each and every cardboard box when you recycle them, so that the cardboard bin doesn’t overflow, which happens frequently. No Styrofoam should go in the cardboard! If you are composting, make sure you follow guidelines for responsible composting and do not use plastic bags ever. If the compost bin is overflowing, please throw excess compostable in the regular dumpster to avoid overflowing the bin which just feeds racoons and rats. Household hazardous wastes should never go in the trash enclosures. Marin Sanitary Services Main facility at 565 Jacoby Street in San Rafael will take them for free, including paint, cleaning fluids and batteries. It is an easy drive-through process and they take up to 15 gallons of liquids a day per household. Thank you very much for your attention to this matter, your cooperation is greatly appreciated! Becky & Bill
By Becky Smith February 10, 2021
Greetings and Happy New Year- We would like to share a few important reminders for Waldo Point Harbor residents. Please remember that your pilings are an integral part of the foundation for your houseboat. We recommend that you inspect your pilings annually during a low tide to ensure they are in proper condition to prevent any major piling mishaps. If you have trouble determining ownership of a piling it can be found in your lease on the mooring diagram; the Harbor is happy to help advise. Additionally, as part of pier maintenance we are now requiring that any houseboat being sold must replace their missing/damaged pilings and untie from the dock (if so tied) at time of sale. The misguided practice of tying up to the shared pier instead of replacing a broken shared piling puts an incredible amount of strain on the WPH access pier, and if a piling should give way underneath, it would cause damage to the utilities and disrupt the entire community during the elaborate repairs. We also recommend having your mooring lines checked annually to ensure you are tied properly. We would also like to share important information on electrical connections. It is imperative that your electric cable is plugged securely into the dock outlet. The cable is very heavy, and the motion of your houseboat may cause it to loosen over time if not secured. If this happens, a short circuit may cause a fire, or damage electronic appliances aboard your boat. Ensure that the connection is tight, and a strain relief device is bearing the weight of the cable. If you are unsure of the connection give the Harbormaster a call for an inspection. As shared previously, we are moving to more electronic communications whenever possible, so it is very important to have all houseboat owner’s email on hand to make that work. You can still have your email on file without having to use the online portal to pay berth fees. Please forward any dock related emails from us to your tenants if you rent your boat because tenants do not have access to the Tenant Portal system. All leasing correspondence including annual berth fee increases will continue to be mailed. We hope all are well and safe in these crazy times. Thank you so much! Bill & Becky
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  • I want to rent or buy a floating home. Who do I contact?

    Waldo Point Harbor does not sell or lease floating homes. Floating homes are individually owned and rented or sold by the individual owners. We suggest checking online real estate sites for homes listed for rent or sale. You may be able to find a real estate agent by checking a newsletter on http://floatinghomes.org/ or contacting your local real estate agent.

  • Do I need a building permit to modify my house?

    You need a building permit issued by the County of Marin https://www.marincounty.org/depts/CD#9 to modify your house. You can obtain construction regulations there as well. 

  • My car was towed. Where can I pick it up?

    The phone number for the towing service is printed on signs in the parking lot.

  • I have guests in town. Can they park in my parking lot?

    You can obtain temporary guest parking permits from the harbor office.

  • My piling is about to fall down. What do I do?

    Contact the harbor office to schedule a piling replacement. Other piling related information can be found here.

  • How do I tell if my pilings are secure?

    You can schedule an appointment with the harbor to inspect your pilings. Other piling related information can be found here.

  • Who do I contact to re-tie my floating home?

    Several contacts for tying floating homes can be found by clicking this link.

  • There is a harbor emergency and the office is closed. Who do I call?

    If there is a life threatening emergency please call Marin County Emergency Dispatch at 415-479-2311. Otherwise you may contact the Harbormaster, Bill Price at 415-910-0705.


Waldo Point Harbor Rules & Regulations
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County of Marin Building Department
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1-C Gate Five Road, Sausalito CA 94965

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