By Becky Smith
September 9, 2020
To All Residents of Waldo Point Harbor: Last year we were abruptly introduced to PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS). Unfortunately, this is our new reality during fire season. The Harbor adapted to PSPS by renting portable toilets for each dock, and wiring each shoreside holding tank with a independent, generator-operated circuit so that we can turn on our ejector pumps in order to clear the tanks to the city sewage main. This is not a perfect solution. More and more residents have purchased generators or have solar powered batteries that will power their homes during an outage. This allows holding tanks to pressurize the system, and if the shoreside tank is overwhelmed sewage will back up into homes that have weak one-way check valves on their houseboats. To avoid causing problems for you and your neighbors, it is imperative that all residents scale back on water usage immediately once the PSPS is in place. Conserving water aboard means less water in the holding tanks and less chance of an accidental back-up. Even if you have a generator, curtail water usage throughout the duration of the PSPS! We will pump tanks first thing in the morning at 8 am, and again at 2 pm, 7 days a week. For those of you with alternative power sources, please limit your pumping to daytime hours between 9am – 2pm, so that we can manage the shoreside holding tank pump-out schedule. Limiting pumping aboard your boat is usually as simple as shutting off the pump breaker on your panel, or just unplugging the pump at the tank. Once this is done, an empty tank will not refill for a while – as long as strict water conservation is being practiced. Low to no flushing toilets, no showers, dishes, etc. If you need assistance finding your holding tank disconnect, please contact the office. Generator users must be acutely aware of the risks involved. • Lethal carbon monoxide poisoning is possible, so do not set up the generator in any enclosed space, or where fumes can enter your living spaces. And be aware of your neighbors with open doors and windows. Minimum of 20 ‘ away from open doors and windows recommended. • Do not fuel a generator when it is running, or if it is hot, because gasoline is highly flammable. Store gas very carefully, and once the PSPS is over, get leftover gas in portable tanks off your houseboat and pour it into your car. • Please be respectful of your neighbors and restrict usage so that the sound and the fumes start after 8am and end at dusk Please follow our safety guidelines and let us know if we can be of assistance if, and probably when, PG&E decides to throw the switch. Sincerely, Waldo Point Harbor Staff